How are you doing these days considering the isolation? Hopefully you are doing well and being
encouraged despite COVID- 19 and all of the restrictions it entails. Of course, the most
important focus is that you will experience good health and peace of mind. June and I pray this
for you each day.

We are assured of the Lord’s wonderful presence 24/7. Reflect often on His promises and let
these promises be embedded in your heart. Here’s a couple for you to meditate upon:

“Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may
overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

ZOOM PRAYER MEETING: Do not forget to join us at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 20, 2020 @
6:30 p.m. for our ZOOM prayer meeting. In the days ahead we hope to host an evening (an
hour or so) and do a short Bible study. Perhaps there are questions you may have that we can
discuss. We will keep you posted on that following the prayer meeting tonight.

Thank you for visiting our website . We are trying to keep current with pertinent information. The website gives you the link for our online church services plus Sunday school for our children. Many, many thanks to Tanya and Jennifer for these great presentations! We are deeply grateful to our worship teams for their weekly commitment to provide music. Andrew works very hard to provide excellent quality productions. Great ministry from everyone!

PRAYER REQUESTS: In addition to all of the needs shared last week would you please add Rebecca to
the list? She is undergoing some medical tests and is reaching out to us for prayer. Let us remember the
numerous families in Nova Scotia who are experiencing such indescribable trauma from the recent
tragic and senseless happenings on Saturday and Sunday.

Remember, too, those that are specifically stressed because of personal economics and financial
concerns. The uncertainties are very real and stressful. Let us continue to pray for each other.

ADMINISTRATION: We are deeply grateful to you for your faithful consistency in tithes and
offerings. Thank you for coming to the church and using the drop-box or interact. Others are
using online banking through our email address at …so
appreciated. We will have a financial summary for you in a few days as to how our offerings are tracking. Since our office hours are somewhat adjusted, please feel free to send us an email or
leave a telephone message for any specific prayer requests or otherwise.

HELP NEEDED: As the lockdown continues there are various needs that crop up. The local Social
Services agency has reached out to Morningstar Mission seeking assistance in meeting needs.
This is specifically due to some seniors and others who need grocery delivery or other necessary
errands. If you can help, please call Kevin Alkenbrack @ 613-305-1314. He and his team are
trying their best to provide essential services particularly relative to our present reality. Please
note that all hygienic health protocols will be observed.

BIBLE READING: Just a quick reminder – the Bible reading for the month of April is Psalm 27,
Psalm 91 and Matthew’s Gospel. Next week we will give you another set of Scriptures that you
can follow for the month of May. We are praying that God’s word is bringing you comfort and

Be blessed and encouraged!
