May 26, 2020  

Hello Dear Friends,  

It is good to give thanks to the Lord for His infinite mercy and grace. These 2 words are always paramount in my mind and I constantly marvel at God’s amazing love for all of us. We pray that you and your family are doing well. It’s so nice to see our community and province becoming a little more active as restrictions are somewhat eased. Of course, we need to continue to practice good hygiene and be careful to use our common sense. This time of year speaks so much of life as the season brings warmer days and the spring blooms are displaying such an array of God’s magnificent creation!   Just this morning June and I remembered you in our prayers. We pray specifically for you to be comforted, encouraged and healthy. Some have found this crisis to be especially challenging as it relates to employment, managing/running a business, hospitalized family members who cannot be visited, etc. Please take comfort knowing that God sees every detail of your life and He “will never leave you nor forsake you.”  

ONLINE CHURCH – We really miss being together as a congregation in the church building. This is really different to say the least! For now we have to be content to come your way via YouTube. Please continue to pray that the production will be a blessing and many will come to faith in Christ as the good news of Jesus is proclaimed. Be sure to pray for Tanya and her team as they broadcast Kids’ Sunday School. Our young people (teens) need our prayers as they handle the realities of this current situation. The adult team also needs your prayers as they do their best to provide ministry to these young women and men. Limitations are a challenge indeed to on-going ministry.  

RE-OPENING CHURCH – A date has not been fixed for this at the moment. It was thought that we could begin by having drive-in church in our parking lot. The logistics of this are not as easy as it may appear, e.g. people/vehicles distancing, families with small children “parked” for 45 – 60 minutes, especially if the temperature is high on that day; the church building, according to the restrictions, is off limits for washroom use, special equipment is needed for FM short range radio, etc. So, you can see some of the challenges we face. We will certainly keep you posted as we journey together.   For now, we will continue the weekly YouTube productions. We really need your prayers for this. Each week there is a team of people who faithfully come along and give of themselves to minister. Our prayer is that lost people will be found, found people will be encouraged and the family of God will grow exponentially. These are the last days and Jesus is coming very soon! Please pray with us that multiplied thousands will believe on Jesus as their Saviour.  

PRAYER NEEDS – Each week there are various needs that come our way in addition to those for whom we have been praying recently. Please remember Wilma, Tim, Lori, Laura, Olivia,  our seniors who are shut-in, Pat, Franz, Bonnie, Angela, Shawn, Ken’s niece, Robbie, Allan, Elizabeth, Linda, businesses and business people, new pastor, online church and Kids Sunday School. There may be others that we should add to this list. Please let us know if that is the case and we will gladly include them.  Be sure to send an email or telephone us should you have a need. You may reach us at or 613-354-4281.  

PASTORAL SEARCH – Recently I corresponded with the Pastoral Search committee just to touch base. Since the committee is not meeting there is no news to pass along. We sincerely appreciate your prayers, though, as we go forward in due time. Right now everything is on hold and, when things return to a little more normalcy, the process will continue.  

ZOOM PRAYER MEETING – Each  Monday at 6:30 p.m. we host a ZOOM prayer meeting. Please plan to join us. If you need assistance to install ZOOM on your computer, give us a call and we will do our best to walk you through the steps. This is a significant time and an opportunity to connect with others for a few minutes. I will send you the link plenty of time beforehand. Please take note that sometimes ZOOM will ask for a password. If so, please enter the password that is on the invitation (email) you receive. Again, you simply need to click on the link and you will be taken to the meeting. Hope to see you there!  

BOOK OF HOPE – Here is another opportunity for you to request a copy of the Book of Hope. Simply email or call us and we will make this book available to you free of charge.  

BIBLE READING – Next week we will give you another Bible reading assignment for the month of June. For the month of May our suggestion is: The Gospel of Mark, The Book of Hebrews, 2 John and 3 John. The word of God will make a significant and transformational difference in your life.  

ADMINISTRATION – We are tracking fairly well with all of the administration items – all invoices are paid, all Missions designations are up to date, all staff is cared for and building needs are being managed. We continue to commend you for your consistency. God bless you for your faithfulness. This is repetitive every week – 4 convenient ways to give your tithes and offerings: (1) online banking through e-transfer, (2) come by the back foyer entrance and use the drop box, (3) use the debit machine in the front foyer, (4) use postal service – P.O. Box 459, Napanee, ON K7R 3P5.   These are exciting days for the church of Jesus! May God’s peace and presence fill your live always!  

Cal and June